Friday Randomness

Happy Birthday to my wonderful super amazing husband, Ted!  I got confused last night and wrote, “Happy 38” on our calendar.  That’s 10 years ago.  To celebrate his birthday, Ted likes to go for special birthday rides on his bike.  One year over the Golden Gate Bridge, another year over near Benicia.   This year he wants to ride up in the Marin Headlands.  So I’m playing hookey from work, and I’ll drive in with him.  I don’t even have a bike, so I won’t be riding, but I’ll drop him off on the SF side of the GG Bridge, then I’ll drive over to Sausalito.  I’ll have a nice walk around there, and we’ll meet at Davey Jones Deli, which is a pretty fabulous deli counter in a bait shop there.  We’ll have the kind of casual lunch you can have in your bike clothes at a deli counter in a bait shop, and then come home.   Tomorrow is the birthday party, and since Sunday is Cinco de Mayo, the theme is Mexican food.  I’ll be making chicken and tomatillo tacos from the recipe below.

What else is there on this Friday morning?  Well, today is also Nance’s birthday.  Happy Birthday, Nance!  I hope you have some delicious pie to celebrate!

Tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby!  I love the Kentucky Derby, and I hope I remember to watch.  I’m rooting for Mylute, mainly because his jockey is a woman, and no woman has ever won the Kentucky Derby.  Yet.

Saw this headline in the local paper this morning, and said, “JESUS”.  Not in a religious way, but in an ‘Crap, REALLY?” way.  Our local Very Expensive Bridge project is SO crazy expensive, and it’s hard to know how dangerous these kind of errors are.  I do know that a few months ago, they installed a bunch of huge bolts that are part of the earthquake safety feature of the bridge, and many many bolts broke.  The real problem with the bolts appears to be something about them not really liking water.  Nice on a bridge.  Not exactly instilling confidence.

Finished a book the other day that I really really liked.  I’ll have to write about it, maybe on Sunday.   Saw ‘Life of Pi’ on On Demand last night.  It sure was a beautiful film.  I wanted the tiger story to be the real one.  Sigh.

I hope you have a super fabulous weekend, and I’ll try to write more soon.  Maybe.


  • Ted

    What a scenic and somewhat challenging ride today! I loved the views and having lunch with you in park in Sausalito. Overall, a wonderful way to spend my b-day.

    And a very happy birthday to Nance as well!

  • Nance

    Happy Birthday, Ted! I’m so glad you did something you love on your special day.

    J., I almost dropped my coffee mug this morning when I checked in here. How absolutely lovely and thoughtful of you to use your Very Own Post to wish me a Happy Birthday! I am charmed overmuch. And to have your dear husband chime in as well…I’m just chuffed.

    The boys and Rick are all off on Sunday, so my Official Celebration is then. They are planning the whole thing, so we’ll see if pie shows up. I hope so!

    Thanks again for thinking of me.