Jon Hamm as….SERGIO!


If you thought you loved him as Don Draper in Mad Men, wait until you see him as Sergio the Sexy Sax Player!  Wait…I love Don more.  Wait…Don’s an ass.  I forgot.


  • OmbudsBen

    Don is an ass. but do we cut him some slack for the era in which he lived and his bizarre childhood? Maybe not. (But it does make for better fictions … )

  • J

    I cut him NO slack. But I adore him in that way that you adore characters in TV, movies, and books. Glad I’m not married to him. But a show about happily married, normal people, would be boring.

  • Molly

    This was one of the funniest shorts they have had in awhile. I have gone back to watch it several times. And I agree…gotta love and hate Don.