I Am the Flag

American Flag

Ted was born in Ontario, Canada, and came to the Bay Area at the ripe old age of 1.   When the family naturalized as U.S. Citizens 5 or 6 years later, some neighbors gave them a little book, titled, I Am the Flag: A Portrait of America, by  Lawrence M. Jones.  It’s kinda groovy, with very early 70s illustrations.  I thought it appropriate to copy here, for Independence Day.

I am a composite being of all the people of America.
I am the union if you are united.  I am one and indivisible if you are undivided.
I am as strong as the weakest link.
I am an emblem of your country…I am a sign pointing to past achievements.
I am a promise of greater things for the future…
I am purity if you are pure.
I am bravery if you are brave.
I am loyalty if you are loyal.
I am honor if you are honorable.
I am goodness if you are good.
I am hope if you are hopeful.
I am truth if you are true.
I am the Constitution.
I am law and order.
I am tolerance or intolerance as you force me to be.
I am liberty as you understand liberty.
I am as a pillar of fire by night, but you must provide the fuel.
I march at the head of the column, but you must carry me on.
I stand for greater and more glorious achievement than can be found in recorded history, but you must be my inspiration.
I Am the Flag.

Happy Independence Day to all! Learn about your country, by reading the Constitution, or, more appropriately, the Declaration of Independence, (or check out this tidbit…10 things you may not know about the Declaration of Independence). Celebrate with a barbecue or a picnic, go to a parade, watch the fireworks displays in your community or on TV. Whatever you decide to do, perhaps stop and think for a minute about what this holiday means to you, what our flag (Old Glory) stands for, and what Independence and Freedom are worth.